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Grandmother’s Rose jam

Published on 26 June 2017 by admin

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Grandmother’s Rose jam La marmellata di nonna rosa


  • 5 kg of fruit (organic oriental weighed, washed and clean)
  • 2 apples (* organic)
  • 2 lemons (* organic)
  • 1.5 kg of raw cane sugar
  • ¼ Kg of whole cane sugar gives sugar cane aroma (at discretion)

* Biological (better than your garden)


1 The preparation phase

Peel the oranges by storing the skins of six of them, cut it into thin strips and sprinkle it in the water for three times (throwing water away each time). The six peels should then be cut into thin strips and poured into the pot together with the lemon juice of the cane sugar and the pectin. All oranges and palate apples are cut into small dabs before pouring into the pot. Alternatively, use the trita crank of the grandmother.

Boil the whole for about two hours, then pour the contents into the previously sterilized and still hot pots, turn them upside down until cooled. If the lid is not still under vacuum (see the snapshot), replace the cap and boil it again in a pot with water to cover it.

Secret ingredient

Remaining on sugar cane if you like the aroma you can add a tablespoon of rum in a jar of half a pound of jam that will make the product even more tasty and aromatic.

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