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Ischia insolite 6th step (Barano – Ischia)

Published on 14 November 2017 by admin

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Ischia insolite and segret 

6th step (Barano – Ischia) Schiappone, Piano Liguori, Ischia Ponte

An unusual and alternative tour of the island of Ischia along the historic basol roads and the ancient panoramic sentiers

Ischia insolita e segreta - Mappa d'Ischia 1959

Map of Ischia G.G. Cervera 1959, Alternative tour marked in green

Rif. Map 15

Ischia unusual and secret: We resume the 6th stage of the tour of Ischia, of unusual and alternative routes, from the locality of Molara in the municipality of Barano d’Ischia. Starting from the state highway 270 (or via Vincenzo Di Meglio) crosses Via Schiappone where there is a bus stop (circular ds and e.). Today I am in Anna and Saverio company that are well equipped with backpack comfortable shoes and clothing onion. The weather of this season can change suddenly and could play tricks.

Rif. Map 16

After a few hundred meters we are at the crossroads for Chiummano, another town known for its rural characteristics, we turn left and climb the steep road that leads to the church of Madonna di Montevergine where from the churchyard you can enjoy a splendid panorama.

01 vista dalla chiesetta Madonna di Montevergine

01 view from the church of Madonna di Montevergine

Parked the motorcycle in the small parking lot behind the church we walk on the steep road and immediately we are exchanged for tourists, perhaps because they are equipped with a camera in good shape. The road is dotted with some houses in a state of ruin.

02 Via Sciappone e il costruito in pietra locale

02 Via Sciappone and the built in local stone

After the first bend you can already see the sea from above and immediately notice in front of Capo Grosso the shape of the Crespa stone, a group of rocks that in winter ripple through a sparkling sea.

03 La Sgarrupata con la pietra crespa

03 La Sgarrupata with Crespa stone

We are practically above the Scarrupata in the inlet of the Schita (known quail hunting resort) and we continue on the beaten path that widens and narrows continuously until it rises in a tortuous way with irregular and very steep steps. The continuous erosion of the track and the side walls is very evident, caused by bad weather and accentuated by the lack of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance works.

04 Il sentiero sul costone

04 The trail on the ridge

05 Le scale strette e ripide

05 The narrow and steep stairs

Once the numerous peasants and hunters who walked the path several times a day always found time to adjust the unsafe dry wall, restore the missing ground in the path or integrate the missing step of the staircase. Today the path, which in some cases becomes a real trench, can be a source of danger for habitual and occasional by-passers. Along the road there are shelters and cellars often almost entirely excavated in the lapillo and pumice embankment.

06 Il costone della Sgarrupata

06 The ridge of the Sgarrupata

07 Strada in trincea con muri a secco

07 Road in trench with dry walls

08 Ricovero cantina

08 Cellar shelter

Rif. Map 17

As soon as we arrive at the top of the ridge we are astonished by the nature of the place, the Mediterranean thicket, brooms, strawberry trees, myrtles, .. on the valley side facing south to the sea and vast vine-growing areas on the upstream side. On our left there is Mount Vezzi (394 m. S.l.) sadly known for the landslide that interested him in the last years.

09 La macchia mediterranea

09 The Mediterranean thicket

10 Le coltivazioni a vite

10 The vine cultivations

We are almost here in Piano Liguori, a plateau at an altitude of 300/350 m above sea level, an area still cultivated by a group of peasants who in a pioneering manner try in every way to work that land. It is said that since ancient times the area was renowned for the production of the precious nectar of the vine that was so sweet and tasty as to seem a liqueur. From the top of the promontory, on the clearest days Procida, Capo Miseno and all the gulf of Naples up to Vesuvius can be glimpsed.

11 Piano liguori con lo sfondo del golfo di Napoli

11 Piano Liguori with the background of the Gulf of Naples

Continuing along via Piano Liguori you pass on the ridge that looks east towards tip of San Pancrazio where on the summit you can glimpse the small church destination of pilgrimages by locals and foreigners. We take the road almost in the trenches to go down to the crossroads of the Cross where on the right we continue to Pignatiello and on the left we descend to Campagnano. The most panoramic walk, with refreshment points and the possibility of tasting local and typical products, provides a wider tour that passes through the town of Pignatiello, the Towers below and above, Grotta di Terra and arrived in the square at the center of Campagnano continues to Ischia Ponte.

12 La punta di San Pancrazio

12 The tip of San Pancrazio

13 Via Piano Liguori

13 Piano Liguori path

14 Il bivio della Croce

14 The crossroad of the Cross

Going down the valley from the small road you can catch many perspectives and interesting views of this rural side of the island of Ischia from which derives the very name of “Campagnano” place of countryside.

15 Discesa da via Piano Liguori15 Descent from via Piano Liguori

16 La strada basolata con gradoni

16 The paved road with steps

17 Cellaio cantina scavata nel terrapieno

17 Cellar cellar excavated in the embankment

18 Strada nel verde

18 Road in basoli in the green

Rif. Map 18

After the town of Campagnano we take the road to the right that descends steep and steep that in practice was the old road that led from the ancient village of Ischia bridge with the Castle to the rural village of Campagnano therefore Campagnano old street . You can enjoy a splendid panorama in particular along the entire first part of the road, then continue along the so-called “parracine” dry stone walls.

19 Panorama del golfo di Napoli

19 Panorama of the Gulf of Naples

20 Via Vecchia Campagnano

20 Campagnano old street

21 Particolare del Castello con Vivara

21 Detail of the Castle with Vivara

At the junction of San Michele, continue along G.B. Vico street to go down to Nuova Cartaromana street where you go up to the right for a short stretch until you take the narrow alley to the left of Soronzano street . The narrow road surrounded by lava stone walls is very characteristic and leads to the Soronzano hill in front of the Aragonese Castle where it is possible to have a spectacular view of the ancient manor.

22 Via Soronzano

22 Soronzano street

23 Veduta da via Soronzano

23 View from Soronzano street

Continuing along the terraced steps in paving stones of the street soronzano you arrive at Ischia Ponte behind the patches. Our stage ends at the Aragonese Castle, just where we left long ago with the  prima tappa.

24 Panoramica dal castello Aragonese

24  Overview from the Aragonese castle

Safety advice:

  • Take all the necessary information before embarking on the desired path and if necessary, rely on or ask for advice from an expert guide; do not venture without knowing the path that can be dangerous in some cases. Avoid protruding where there are no parapets and you can not see the state of the ground below. Do not lean too much on fences and parapets in protruding and panoramic areas.

Required clothing:

  • comfortable shoes and suitable for the mountains, dressed in layers (on the onion) recommended hat.

Inhoming Srl

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