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SHARING ECONOMY: reuse, reuse, and share

Published on 13 April 2017 by admin

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SHARING ECONOMY: The economy of reuse, reuse and share

The priorities of various business realities of recent years can be summarized in sharing economics or reuse, sharing and sharing economics. They use technologies for a circular economy model. Professionals, consumers and citizens in general provide skills, time, assets and knowledge with the aim of creating virtuous ties based on the relational ability of technology. In this way, new lifestyles are encouraged that can help save money or redistribute money, socialize and safeguard the environment. At the heart of this new economic model we find social welfare, conscious consumption, saving and reducing waste. Instead, money and buying are the key points of the transactions.

(From Wikipedia)

Sharing Econimy

Out of the article made by Cristiana Lenoci

“Share a bicycle or car, trade a closet for a dress, spend it from local producers instead of the supermarket. Before the economic crisis began, the sharing economy, the sharing economy, and the return to “ancient” practices such as second-hand purchases and bulk shopping seemed far from our reality. Instead, their dissemination today also responds to the desire to improve their lifestyle by embracing more ethical and conscious uses and customs. “

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